3D Printing Enters New Stage

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3D Printing Enters New Stage

The 3D printer landscape is changing in a major way according to Pete Basiliere a research director at Gartner.

“The 3D printer market has reached its inflection point,” said Pete Basiliere, research director at Gartner, in a statement. “While still a nascent market, with hype outpacing the technical realities, the speed of development and rise in buyer interest are pressing hardware, software and service providers to offer easier-to-use tools and materials that produce consistently high-quality results.”

“As the products rapidly mature, organizations will increasingly exploit 3D printing’s potential in their laboratory, product development and manufacturing operations,” he added. “In the next 18 months, we foresee consumers moving from being curious about the technology to finding reasons to justify purchases as price points, applications and functionality become more attractive.”

3D printing laboratory exploitation is growing rapidly and companies are using the printers to build prototypes, and actual parts for their machines and internal testing.

It’s not just something on the consumer level it’s something that major enterprise level companies are using too.


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