Android or iOS? The Stats are In for 2013

android or ios

Android or iOS? It’s a debate the whole world is having and now, two market research companies have released their own stats showing who is winning the race.

Around the world, Android operating systems are dominating with over 785 million devices shipped in 2013 but in the US, Apple is dominating, although just barely.

iOS phones have long dominated in the US however this number is steadily declining as more and more Android phones hit the shelves. Android are often also cheaper making them appeal to a wider demographic.

Last year in the US, iOS phones took the market share by just 2 percent, the lowest gap to date between the two operating systems.

Around the world, Apple sales fell by 15 percent whereas Android sales were up 68 percent showing that more and more, people are choosing Android for it’s affordability and design.

Other rivals such as Microsoft also saw big jumps last year, growing 69 percent globally, their highest growth rate in many years however the company still only has 3 percent of the total market share.

With Apple now launching with a popular phone provider in China, they could raise their global market share in 2014.



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